life, as i know it, in japan

born and bred in beautiful marshalltown, iowa. now i spend my days assisting japanese english teachers and drinking green tea. i do other things too--see below.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

ah...what a wonderful weekend/birthday

i had a lovely, lovely birthday. only made lovelier by those i shared it with. miss molly came from chiba for the long weekend. she came bearing such wonderful gifts as kat-tun (a japanese boy band) cards, a cat paw key chain, and delicious pineapple wine from okinawa. each a delight in their own unique way.

we spent most of our time 1)shopping, 2)eating, 3)drinking...either pumpkin spiced frappicinnos from starbucks or wine, 4)talking about philosophy--thank you ayn rand, and 5)dancing to beyonce's "get me bodied". i believe we hit up every 2nd hand store in town, making friends with the workers as we danced in the aisles.

sunday evening found us dressing up in our best japanese-style inspired ensembles. a group gathering at ninnikuya (known as "the garlic restuarant" by us foreigners) started the night off right. nothing like garlic-infused food to celebrate with.

i'm pretty sure a good time was had by all. the night included karaoke for a full three hours(!), the longest ride/walk back to my apartment ever, late-night snack at matsuya, and a group sleepover in #305 Pearl Mansion. it was exactly what i had imagined my 24th birthday would be like...the stuff of dreams. ha.


  • At 1:25 PM, Blogger court said…

    man, wish i could've been there to share in the goodness that is you in your "24th revolution around the sun" (thank you, libby stewart). where is your half-asian friend? also, august is the cutest little shorty ever. you should be proud, auntie godie mama ashlee. oh my god. some people our age have children. i will meditate on that as i prepare a u.s. history exam and wish there was a reason for me to go back on birth control...

  • At 8:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i was the find you.
    thurr ewe go.

  • At 11:47 PM, Blogger molly g. said…

    update your blog! i'm bored. p.s. you look thin. tell me your secret.


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