life, as i know it, in japan

born and bred in beautiful marshalltown, iowa. now i spend my days assisting japanese english teachers and drinking green tea. i do other things too--see below.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

things that make you go hmmmm....(realizations in life. thank you c&c music factory.)

1) relationships change and usually it's a good thing
2) honesty is the most important element to any relationship...although white lies do come in handy for those awful haircuts and/or dorky glasses
3) students--be they adults, two year olds, or thirteen--can unfortunately make or break your day in fragile states*
4) i never want to validate myself through others again
5) when times get tough it's probably time to bring out the old verse "this too shall pass" (also the title of a stellar new song by india arie)
6) natto is the grossest, most disgusting thing on this planet and japanese people eat it (almost puking three times in front of 2nd graders is not cool)
7) music is perhaps the most amazing healing agent of all....that and a necessity for getting your groove on
8) talking to people who are millions of miles away and feeling as if you are in the same room is one of the best sentiments i've ever had
9) babies are cute, but japanese babies are usually cuter (except for august and nugget)
10) i have a very vivid imagination
11) as the years go by getting to know the real you gets easier and easier

*to be honest, as of late, i've been in love with my students. even the ni nen sei little bungholes who never listen.
** this update is brought to you by a thursday evening of skipping japanese class.

i tried some of bridget's ice cream at the international festival and it stuck to my lips and dropped to the ground. she was not pleased.
other photos need no explanation. just me dancing and wearing a sari.


  • At 2:17 PM, Blogger court said…

    oh my god, it's true, it's all true!!! i have a similar list in my journal, including all of the above *except the babies and nato, which i agree with anyway. i love feeling that you can put that all into words so well, my sister.
    yesterday was one of the best days of my life and today, coupled with a total lack of sleep, they have broken me.
    i love that you put this into words. i love you in that sari. i miss you and wish i could talk to you right this very moment. you are more beautiful and more wise every day i know you.

    p.s. i am going home for lunch and i am going to start smoking again.
    at least i am not going to have a drink.


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